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2022 Fig Cutting Sale | Variety List

Writer's picture: Ross the Fig BOSSRoss the Fig BOSS
Some varieties are already sold out. Don't miss your chance to grow something special.

The Variety List:

Blanche de Deux Saison: BDDS was a favorite of the late great Michael Grace. He was a commercial grower in VA before passing recently. He sold figs to local restaurants and sold over 1000 fig trees to local residents during his time. After speaking with him on the phone a couple times, he told me that BDDS and the Coll de Damas were the figs that he and restaurants wanted the most. From appearance you can see in the photo that it looks quite similar to the commercial fig White Adriatic. On the left is BDDS and on the right is Sister Madeleine's Green Greek. After growing it a number of years now, BDDS is quite different than the Adriatic figs. The texture rivals the thickness and density of the Coll de Damas. The flavor is also different. I have a number of these trees and I personally rate it very highly and I can see why Michael did as well. Limited quantities are being offered this year from this variety. I'll have more to share and taste next season.

San Biagio: This variety originally comes from Pomona Gardens in Italy and is still quite a bit rare here in the US. I am very pleased to have acquired this fig because it's always among the earliest to ripen there. Although I realized the potential of this fig last year, I've been very pleased to learn that the flavor is above and beyond what I originally thought. The fig is small and performed well in cold & dry weather. I'm still a bit unsure of the how the skin will handle moisture and how often it will split, but I think it's too early and too tasty not to mention that it's a great fig. Lower than average vigor and has a good ability to set fruit even in low light conditions and therefore is rather productive.

Violette de Bordeaux (Nero 600m):

La Borgeoise: This is a French fig that was popularized by Baud. It's supposed to be a Coll de Dama alternative in that the pulp is thick & great tasting, but it ripens 2 weeks earlier. As of 2022, I can certainly see the comparison. It's very tasty. One of the best tasting figs and the pulp is thick. The tree is vigorous, productive, but the skin can absorb too much moisture in humid climates. Baud knows his figs. Simply put.. the majority of his varieties check all the boxes for a quality fig variety. I would highly recommend this fig for somewhere dry.

Noire de Barbentane: This fig is said by Baud to be 2 weeks earlier and more rain resistant than its closely related cousin, Bourjassotte Noire. After seeing Herman2 put his in ground in NJ and show success, I decided to follow suit. It's hardy and rain resistant, but on the late side for an in ground tree here. Definitely a top tier fig in terms of flavor. It's in the same flavor category as Black Madeira, but it's better for a humid/short season climate and it's a commercial fig like Bourjassotte Noire & Brogiotto Nero. Well adapted to even triple digit temperatures. It's one of the few that thrives in it.

I258: One of my absolute favorite figs for the mid-late season. A variety to have multiples of. Tastes similar to Black Madeira, but the ripening window is earlier & shorter. It's a better choice for short season climates and tastes incredible just about everywhere. It's also showing good hardiness in zone 7. My in ground tree produced figs this year that did not split and were extremely tasty.

White Triana: This is one of my tastiest, most productive and most rain resistant varieties. It's so underrated that it makes me sick to my stomach. This is not a fig for everyone though. You have to have patience. The variety has a long hang time to fully develop its flavor. Here I wait at least 10 days after swelling begins before picking. You will be rewarded with a very sweet, surprisingly strong berry flavor that has one of the most pleasant gooey/jammy textures. White Triana is like a mid season Coll De Dama Blanc. Although it's quite unique if you want something different than the rest. 

Coll de Dama Noire: Like the other Coll de Dama figs, CDDN is incredible. A must grow. Grow at least one of the Coll de Damas to truly know what figs are capable of in the texture department. They're extremely thick, dense, gooey and jammy. All of my CDD figs are planted in ground now to make them healthier trees. 

*SOLD OUT* Pissalutto is a well documented Italian variety that can be found all over the world. It's written about in nursery catalogues, Condit's monograph and even depicted in Gallesio's drawings. I can assure you that the flavor rivals and is similar to Smith. Easily one of the best tasting figs I grow. It's superb and complex. The shape and stem length is ideal, but minor splitting was observed recently after an inch of rain. The skin I don't believe contributes in a positive or negative way towards water absorption. Hang time is lower than average if desired to pick early. Drying capabilities unknown, light requirements low and therefore production is high. Overall a very special fig worth further study.

Cul Noir is a Figues Du Monde introduction that tastes amazing, it dries super easily with cork tints and produces a black bottom of sugar spots in humid climates. Personally I think this fig is an exact match to Sucrette (Baud) as they both originate from Dr. Rivals collection and the descriptions are basically the same from each grower. It is one of the best tasting and best performing figs that I grow. Perfect dense texture, productive, mid season with some serious drying capabilities. Can split if the soil is too wet, less when planted in the ground, but overall it's one of the best figs for humid climates and no doubt a winner in dryer locations. I also heard a report from a grower in zone 7A that this is one of his best performers. It's extremely hardy and makes a fantastic choice for an in ground fig. This fig should be grown by every serious collector.

Coll de Dama Mutante is a mutation of Coll de Dama Grise. It's a wonderful fig that's in the highest echelon of figs for its amazing eating experience. I have limited experience with Mutante, but I have 5 trees of it because I know it'll be a winner. A favorite of my good friend, Rafael and no doubt just as good if not better than the other Coll de Damas.

Bourjassotte Grise: I have been shocked by how good this fig is. People weren't kidding. It's almost as good as Smith. Very similar to Bourjassotte Grise & Socorro Black. I have both BG and VS in ground. Socorro in a pot. All 3 are almost as good as it gets here. Very productive trees that are reliable with fantastic flavor.

*SOLD OUT* La Magdeleine: This is a variety that Figues du Monde found. It produced my first fruit in 2019 on an in ground tree. I find it to be quite early, reliable and rain resistant. Another great honey fig that is similar to Campaniere.

Longue d'Aout: This is a widely grown fig throughout Europe and the US for good reason. My tree did not split this year, it produces HUGE breba and HUGE main crop and to top it off, it is very tasty. It's also one of the earliest. fastest growing and one the hardiest figs in existence. This one checks most of the boxes.

In 2022, I was very impressed with the flavor. It has a cotton candy sweetness with a stronger berry flavor than most. The figs did not split, but the skin is its one weakness. The skin tends to absorb water quite easily, so it can be difficult to produce high quality fruits in humid places, but they're amazing when you can get them right. Highly recommended for dryer/short season locations. It's one of the best tasting fig varieties for sure.

LSU Champagne comes out of the Louisiana State University breeding program. With Celeste parentage it handles rain and humidity like a champ.... Short hang time. Among the highest in terms of productivity, vigor and reliability. One of the best honey figs. In my top 3 for that category and perhaps a bit underrated because of its short hang time.

White Marseilles: This is an underrated honey fig. It has very good qualities that check all the boxes. It's a classic, a standard for flavor, reliable, early, hardy & rain resistance. Overall a great choice. I'll also add that the eating experience is among the best honey figs you can eat. Seriously one of my favorites.

Sultane: This fig was one of my favorites years ago. Unfortunately I killed my tree shortly after and was struggling to replace it. Now I have a large in ground tree. It's honestly quite underrated. Fruity berry tones that is refreshing and figgy. Productive, mid season and very rain resistant. A fig used for commercial production in France. I don't know why this fig doesn't get more attention.

LSU Hollier is quite an awesome fig. It's quite underrated. The flavor profile is if you took a honey fig and combined it with fruity berry tones. Kind of like a combination between Sultane & Dotatto. Good rain resistance, early and very hardy. It's also probably the best fig in a high density planting. The light requirements are super low to set the fruit buds, so perfect for those in lower light environments. I highly recommend it. In 2022, the fig has really impressed me further. Very high quality fruits that holds up very well to the rain and they always have a red and berry flavored interior.

Green Michurinska: This is a local fig that a Bulgarian collector introduced. It flirts between an "Adriatic type" and something else. Some of the Green Michurinska figs I ripen have that awesome intense strawberry/raspberry flavor like the other Adriatic types and others I think don't belong in that category. I'm still not sure where I stand on this front. What I know is that it's one of the best choices for a green skinned/red interior fig. This variety has high vigor, good fruit set, none of them split this year and it even has decent drying capabilities. It's also quite hardy being that the Mother tree is massive in a zone 7 climate and it has survived here. It's overall one of the best figs I grow.

Burgan Unk is a fig found by the collector and commercial grower Brian Melton. He sent me figs in the mail to try and review a few years ago. I was blown away. They are like a caramel flavored Black Madeira. It's early, productive and a faster grower. I highly recommend it for mild climates and drier locations. I've yet to evaluate its performance in the rain. I hear it also tastes great when not caprified, but I will be hand pollinating it next year.

Azores Dark: This fig is among the best in my collection. Azores Dark is an early and consistent bearer with similar characteristics to Hardy Chicago and the other 100+ named figs that you could place under that umbrella, but I've found Azores Dark to be superior to the others that I've grown in terms of flavor and drying capabilities. It is exquisite and ripens a higher quality fig more consistently than others in humid climates. In 2021 & 2022 I tried 10 more Hardy Chicago types that are supposed to be better tasting than Azores Dark and it's still consistently the better tasting fig. The flavor can take a few years to mature, but when it does, you'll be awfully surprised by how sticky, thick and flavorful it is. It has high sweetness with a unique combination of dried fruit flavor, earthiness, concord grape & strawberry. Azores Dark has a virtually nonexistent thin skin. The texture of the combination of the skin and pith (the exterior of the pulp) is really what separates this fig from the others. The whole fig has a more pleasant eating experience because the skin and pith combine super well with the pulp. Some figs give you the impression that you're eating two different things. In the case of LSU Tiger that can be a good thing. The skin and the pulp are different and equally great entities. Azores Dark is through and through a pleasing gooey thick jam. One texture. Waking up in my greenhouse in mid March, this fig sets a heavy crop without pinching in early April and ripens its first main crop July 1st. It can also ripen a second main crop in September/October after the tree resumes growth. In the ground here, the figs produce well, early, without a lot of light requirements and they dry easily on the tree. Both of my in ground trees also survived our 6F low in 2022. 

LSU Tiger: This fig outproduced all others and at a very early date for me this year. It's hugely productive and super vigorous. My great uncle actually has one of these planted at his place in Ocean City, Maryland and he loves it. It survives there in ground and is seriously one of the most productive varieties you can grow. It also has awesome concord grape notes and I would consider it a medium sized Blue Celeste that legitimately has blue/grey skin when perfectly ripe. The fig also dries really well and in 2022 my in ground trees produced some really tasty figs with a pleasant and somewhat hard to find chewy skin that every collector needs to experience. A favorite at a local tasting I hosted. Super underrated. It's seriously one of the best figs I've got. I can't believe it took me so long to realize that.

*SOLD OUT* Nerino: This fig goes by many names. Some you may hear are: Figo Moro, Nerino, Fico Secco (Fico Greco Mario's #241), Szivarfuge. Note the lip or collar where the stem attaches to the neck as well as the odd outward bulging of the eye in the 3rd and 4th photos. Those are key identifiers for this variety. What's quite incredible about this fig is that it's actually a commercial variety and a fine one at that. Usually commercial figs like Black Mission or Brown Turkey are lacking in the flavor category. Not this one. Finely textured. Very sweet. Moderate berry flavor. Fig candy when ripened to perfection. Shriveling capabilities. Rarely spoils. Longest stem I've ever seen making it extremely easy to harvest. One of the hardiest figs. Insane rain/split resistance. This fig has it all. It's in my top 5 for a reason.

2021 update: This variety produced more figs at a larger size and at a higher quality than any other. It's truly a productive commercial winner.

2022 update: This past winter Fico Secco & Nerino survived the winter after a 6F low. Again outproduced pretty much every fig. What I love about it more than any other fig is its great ability to dry in the fridge quickly. They're medium sized figs that when cut in half and placed in the fridge skin side down will dry into concentrated, earthy and figgy flavor bombs.

Grise de St. Jean (GdSJ) is a very good and underrated variety. It's widely grown in Europe (even commercially) and not nearly widely grown enough in the US. The figs are exquisite in flavor and texture. They dry easily and perform well in a wide range of climates. It's also probably the second most beautiful fig and tree I grow. The foliage, shape of the tree and the figs are all stunning. This particular GdSJ tree is sourced from Prusch park and is so far the best of the handful of sources I'm growing. It's an in ground tree and perhaps that's the reason, but in 2022 I ripened a number of very flavorful GdsJ figs that had a much more intense berry flavor than the other sources I've tried. Just look at the photo in the listing of the inside. It was insanely good.

Stallion is currently in the running for the best Celeste type fig I have. Could be called a Blue Celeste with a supercharged flavor. According to old F4F posts, it's a Celeste on steroids. Hoping to find the best one and this one I have higher hopes for than others. Very hardy, reliable, early and rain resistant like any Celeste is. In 2022, I've realized that the hang time is a bit below average and that the berry flavor is more intense than other Celeste figs I've tried. A little less than Black Celeste. Very much so worth growing for its unique flavor than others so far.

Along with the green and dark varieties, Sister Madeleine's Yellow is a fig found by Charlie Little at a church somewhere in the US. This one has become a fig of interest of mine because of its elongated shape and to this day is one of the better tasting figs I've tried from a friend's mature tree. It was semi dried and absolutely amazing. I've learned that it is of a similar type of fig to another favorite of mine called White Triana. However, I'm hoping that because it typically has a less flat shape, that it will be a better choice for humid climates. Time will tell.

Iraqi Unk: This is a very unique honey fig. I really hope someone takes care of this tree and gives it special attention. I believe the story on this fig is that an American soldier found this tree in Iraq and brought it to the US during the war. It's very productive, mid season and the fruits prefer a dry climate.

Palmares is a Portuguese variety that comes highly recommended from Baud. I think it needs more heat/sun than what I have here. I'm sure it's doable without a head start, but you need warmer/sunny conditions. The eating experience is among the best. Even from the small sample size so far this year. I'm very happy to be sharing this variety as I don't think many have it. I would highly recommend it for hot/dry climates. This particular source of Palmares originates from Figues du Monde. Check out their blog for the potential of what this fig can be. It's superb.

Conde is one of the better Hardy Chicago types I've tried. Right up there with Azores Dark. It has a better berry flavor. Both varieties I was able to compare side by side at similar ripeness both from in ground trees. Conde has a skin that easily peels from the pulp while Azores has a much more uniform texture throughout that's more pleasing to eat.

Grise Olivette is a mid season French fig with an olive-brown skin and reddish pulp. It is quite productive and healthy. The hang time is about average and the figs should be grown somewhere dry. It has a unique flavor profile worth collecting.

Negrette de Porquerolles is a fig that's very similar to Bourjassotte Noire. It's a commercial fig that's widely grown and tastes incredible. On the level of Black Madeira. This fig is showing good rain and split resistance. On the late side with a long hang time. Highly recommended for dry/hot climates.

Little Ruby: In 3-4 days this fig is shriveled on the tree. In 2022, I was able to observe how this variety behaved during a 6 day period of rain we had due to hurricane Ian. I picked Little Ruby figs before the rain and 2 days after the rain event ended, I was able to harvest impressive quality fruits. This varieties downside is that it's not great in times of moisture. The eye is usually open and the skin acts like a sponge if the skin makes contact with water for too long. Having said this, the variety is still truly amazing. It has all of the wrong qualities, but the one that's the most important, the susceptibility window. The flavor is consistently the most figgy fig I've got. It's like eating a fig raisin. This is one of my best figs.

Ischia Black: The fruit quality of this variety is superb. Seriously one of the best eating experiences you can have eating a fig. It's also become quite productive since I've grafted it. It ripens mid season, but does tend to split and therefore is a little troublesome here. I still have a few trees, but am getting rid of this one for space reasons.

Sefrawi is a fig that Bass recommends for in ground plantings in colder zones. He says it has the ability to re-sprout and fruit in one season from winter total dieback. It's a fig similar to White Triana that I'm trialing in ground to compare. The fruit quality should be right up there with it and I'm excited to see what more of the fruit looks like next season. In 2022, it did indeed survive the winter. It's quite a hardy variety.

Lampeira 1: Do not confuse this fig with the San Pedro Lampeira Preta, Lampeira (Prusch) or any of the other figs with the name Lampeira. This one is unique originating from Figues du Monde. I can safely say that it's among the best tasting figs I've got. According to a friend of mine that's been growing figs longer than I have that resides in Canada, it's reliable and excellent for him there. According to Thierry, he has told me that it's also one of the hardiest figs he has behind Campaniere. However, I don't know how great that trait is because it ripens a bit late for most zone 5-7 climates. In fact, I would consider it of a similar style to the Coll de Damas and I imagine it ripens around a similar date. In my quest to find something better than the CDD figs, this one is at the top of the list along with De la Roca & Mutante. Very flavorful dense pulp, prolific with drying capabilities that actually gets cork tints to it. Called Lampeira on Thierry's blog.

Improved Celeste is quite underrated. When dried up, this fig is up there with the best. A dry summer/fall gave me the best crop yet. Although it doesn't need dry conditions. This is one of the best figs even in high moisture. Reliable. Productive. Overall a winner.

Brianzolo Rosso is a very rare Italian fig. It's also one of the earliest and a favorite of some short season growers in Europe. Has a nice flavor profile that's not often found. Caramel flavored with a very creamy texture. Well worth trialing in shorter season climates. I have a young tree planted in ground and managed to get one fig right before frost. Very much so looking forward to the future of this one.

Midieval Yvoire is an unknown fig found by a collector on the Swiss/French border. I really like the shape of it. Elongated, berry flavored, vigorous, it should perform well here and could make a nice addition. More evaluation required, but I do believe it requires more sunlight hours than most varieties.

*SOLD OUT* Secco: This fig goes by many names. Some you may hear are: Figo Moro, Nerino, Fico Secco (Fico Greco Mario's #241), Szivarfuge. Note the lip or collar where the stem attaches to the neck as well as the odd outward bulging of the eye in the 3rd and 4th photos. Those are key identifiers for this variety. What's quite incredible about this fig is that it's actually a commercial variety and a fine one at that. Usually commercial figs like Black Mission or Brown Turkey are lacking in the flavor category. Not this one. Finely textured. Very sweet. Moderate berry flavor. Fig candy when ripened to perfection. Shriveling capabilities. Rarely spoils. Longest stem I've ever seen making it extremely easy to harvest. One of the hardiest figs. Insane rain/split resistance. This fig has it all. It's in my top 5 for a reason.

2021 update: This variety produced more figs at a larger size and at a higher quality than any other. It's truly a productive commercial winner.

2022 update: This past winter Fico Secco & Nerino survived the winter after a 6F low. Again outproduced pretty much every fig. What I love about it more than any other fig is its great ability to dry in the fridge quickly. They're medium sized figs that when cut in half and placed in the fridge skin side down will dry into concentrated, earthy and figgy flavor bombs.

*SOLD OUT* LSU Strawberry: I can't personally say too much about this fig yet, but what I do know is that it was highly recommended to me by a good and reputable friend in Louisiana. He tells me that this fig is in the fields at LSU and that it was bred by LSU and that Smith was used as a parent. I could only imagine at the time how wonderful a seedling of Smith might be. Another reputable friend in Charlotte describes this fig as being productive, delicious and sweet. He has 5 trees of it and says that it's not the same as Green Ischia or Strawberry Verte.

Constans: This fig is originally from Figues du Monde. I have noticed that it's very vigorous and sets fruits in lower light conditions. I originally thought that this fig was a source of Pastiliere that would show epigenetic differences, but recently I saw some photos from another grower that look more like a Celeste. The leaves match Pastiliere. Not Celeste. In any case, I ripened two figs this year that the squirrels got to the day after I took some photos of the fruits on the tree. Time will tell.

Dall'Oso: This is a fig that Belfiore nursery in Italy believes to be the original Dall'Oso depicted in Gallesio's drawing. I personally have no idea if that's true, but I value this variety for other reasons. It's a keeper with layered complex flavors because of it's uniquely reddish-brown shaded pulp. In 2021, my in ground tree is maturing. It's quite impressive. I am very much so looking forward to fruits off this one to see the differences in quality. End of 2021 update: The fig changed quite a bit from prior years. After planting it in the ground, the stem, neck and shape is very different! Much more impressive now that it has an elongated shape. This fig is a good producer, early, rain resistant and tastes good to boot. Among my best varieties for sure. I highly recommend it for a wide variety of climates.
And is 1 of 4 varieties Belfiore Nursery recommends for Northern Italy:

Colonel Littman's is an extraordinary fig. Not only is it highly flavorful, but the quality is consistent. A huge improvement to Black Madeira in humid climates. Because of its pyriform teardrop shape it has better split resistance. It also ripens mid-late season making it a much better choice for short season growers. In 2021, I've realized that this variety requires a lot of light to set its fruit buds. In a high density fig planting system, this fig like Smith can struggle. Higher amounts of light is definitely the biggest requirement of this variety.

*SOLD OUT* Negra d'Adge is a fig getting a lot of high praise recently from highly respected fig growers. It's proving to be an overall fantastic choice that's also very flavorful. I have a few copies of this variety. One is in ground and it turned out to be quite the productive tree. It's definitely vigorous, healthy and mid season. I was very surprised to see how well they handled the rain given their shape. They rarely split. One of the better tasting figs with some nice acidity/cherry notes.
Taken from Galgoni: "Pretty thin and durable skin. From one year to the next the figs have slight variations in shape and color. Weight around 60 g. Sweet and very tasty meat but without the distinctive nuances of a Coll de Dama. Good taste quality, compact and dark red meat. Unlike the Coll de Dama, it withstands storms and humidity very well without deteriorating or exploding. It is earlier than Dama's Neck with a staggered production as well. Ripe figs remain on the tree without falling. Drying on the tree naturally. As dried figs, they are also good enough."

Nerucciolo d'Elba is a small Italian fig originating from the island of Elba. It is my second best fig right behind Verdino del Nord (VR). Those two are a clear step above any other fig I've ever grown. Why? They have some of the highest drying capabilities I have ever seen in a variety. With a very high brix content, no splitting, very little cracking if any, they can and will dry on the tree here because they're almost indestructible in my humid climate. What's also shocking about these two varieties is that it doesn't take long before you have a semi dried fig. Only 6 or 7 days from swelling. That's unheard of. Not only that.. but they taste incredible. They're as good as it gets here. It's also hardy surviving my 6F low this winter. Elba is also early, productive, vigorous and is very easy to root. 3 cuttings should be a guarantee for this variety.

Golden Rainbow: This fig produces huge honey figs that are quite early, rain resistant and tasty. The variety has it all. Definitely one to trial for commercial potential. Huge leaves and therefore very vigorous. Puts out figs like few others. It's extremely precocious and productive. If I weighed my harvest from every tree, this one would have to be on the top of the list.

Thermalito: This is still one of the best figs I've had when my friend Doug came to the Long Island Fig Festival and brought his Californian and caprified figs for us all to try. Mine has fruited this year, but it was not photo worthy. It's very productive though and on the earlier side. Even here it seems. I have one planted in ground.

*SOLD OUT* St. Martin is reported to have survived -13F. That's pretty incredible if it can be duplicated. So far my two in ground trees are showing well above average hardiness. They set fruit very easily and are quite tasty. I've even ripened a significant amount of breba from this variety. Although it's not said to be bifera, but a fellow grower also successfully ripened breba in NJ.
2022 Update: I was pleasantly surprised to see the perfect shape, short hang time and great overall performance. I don't know when it'll ripen, but the figs are berry flavored and have unbelievable productivity. The one downside is that it does need a higher light environment like Celeste or Pastiliere. It's clearly one of the best new figs I've come across.

Nuestra Señora del Carmen is a variety that is highly regarded for flavor. I think this one is meant for those of you in warmer/dryer places. A favorite of GardenCrochet in CA and she has tried them all. I'll know more this season as my tree in loaded.

Sant Augusti is a fig found by Thierry (FdM). It's a highly productive variety that sets well in lower light conditions. It seems like a strong grower and the figs I think will have a lot of complexity to them rivaling a taste profile similar to Black Madeira. The fig contrary to the name (I thought it would ripen in August) appears to be a late ripener.

Texas Peach is one of the Celeste figs I am trialing. It's said to have a peach flavor. Some say it's different than Celeste, but it's certainly under that umbrella of figs. Hardy, reliable, early and rain resistant like any Celeste is.

Harry's Crete is an Adriatic type fig that is said to be a bit better tasting than others. So far it doesn't taste much different than the other Adriatic type figs. It seems to be a bit more acidic, lower in sweetness with a good berry flavor. The figs also seem slightly larger than the others I've grown.

Panache is a rimada fig of Bordissot Blanca, Brogiotto Bianco, etc... Quite common in the US and grown commercially. You can find these figs sold during fig season sometimes at Wholefoods. It tends to lose its striping as it ripens, but it is undoubtedly one of the tastier fig varieties around and for good reason in a lot of grower's collections. The fig doesn't perform too well in humid places though as it has a tendency to split, so it is recommended that you grow this fig in a drier place, but even in a humid climate when ripened to perfection, you will be blown away by how good it is.
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I'm Ross, the "Fig Boss." A YouTuber educating the world on the wonderful passion of growing fig trees. Apply my experiences to your own fig journey to grow the best tasting food possible.


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