Growing Fig Trees: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Harvest
Updated: Nov 25, 2024
Thinking about growing a fig tree? You’ve come to the right place. I'm Ross the "Fig Boss," and growing fig trees has been my passion since 2014.
Figs are among the best-tasting fruits you can grow right in your backyard. Trust me, I've tasted and grown them all, but don't just take my word for it. Many cultures have loved and fought over them for 1000s of years. Growing fig trees also has numerous other personal benefits that nurture a connection to nature, provide insights into personal growth, and offer continuous learning opportunities.
They are also relatively easy to grow, even for novice gardeners. They are drought-tolerant and can adapt to a wide range of soil types. Figs are also self-fertile, which means that a single tree can produce fruit without the need for another tree for pollination. Did you know you can grow new fig trees by sticking a cutting into the soil? Fig trees are truly fascinating.
But to successfully grow fig trees, one must understand their growing requirements, including soil type, water needs, and pruning techniques. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to growing fig trees, from selecting the right cultivar to harvesting the fruit.
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Understanding Fig Trees
Botanical Profile
Fig trees are deciduous trees that belong to the genus Ficus. That’s right, they’re related to everyone’s favorite Fiddle Leaf Fig. Almost as beautiful, the fig tree shows off its iconic, large, and ornamental leaves bringing history but also a Mediterranean feel to your garden.
They are native to Asia and the Middle East regions but are now widely grown in other parts of the world, including the United States and the Mediterranean. Fig trees can reach 70 feet in height, but don’t worry! You can easily maintain them at 6-10 feet. They’ll naturally grow as a bush with several trunks, and with proper training, you can shape them into a tree or an espalier. My personal favorite is a “fan” espalier.
Figs are unique in that they produce fruit without the need for pollination. Believe it or not, figs are an inverted flower that contains hundreds of tiny fruits called Achenes and because of this characteristic, the fig has a soft and melt-in-your-mouth texture. To me, the fig is nature's pastry. They're like eating a scoop of jam right off the tree wrapped in the perfect accompaniment, its skin.
Varietal Differences

There are 1000s of different varieties of fig trees, each with unique characteristics that display different flavors, textures, colors, shapes, and sizes all determined by their genetics. Here’s the rundown on some of the most popular varieties:
Brown Turkey Fig (Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey') - This may seem harsh, but Brown Turkey is one of the worst fig varieties that you could choose. It is a poor performer in most locations in the US and is mostly grown for commercial purposes. As a home grower, there are many other better choices! Don’t be fooled if your local nursery carries it.
Black Mission Fig (Ficus carica 'Black Mission') - This fig variety is known as one of the most commonly grown varieties in the world. Specifically, for commercial production as it has above-average drying capabilities and thick skin. Again, I find that most growers can do better.
Kadota (Ficus carica 'Kadota') - Kadota was the first commercial fig grown during Roman times for its excellent drying abilities and thick skin. It’s very popular in Italy and among old-school Italian Americans for its classic nostalgic honey fig flavor. Also known as a “honey fig,” which is one of the 3 main flavor profiles found within figs. Check out a full breakdown of all of the flavor profiles here.
Celeste (Ficus carica 'Celeste') - Celeste is your classic “sugar fig” and is the standard fig variety that growers measure against all others when they’re growing in humid climates. In fact, LSU used Celeste in their breeding program with the goal of creating a number of other rain-tolerant varieties.
Violette de Bordeaux (Ficus carica 'Violette de Bordeaux') - As the name suggests, Violette de Bordeaux is originally from the Bordeaux region of France, and is now widespread all over the world. It's known for its reliable and complexly flavored main crop and breba production. I highly recommend growing this fig variety. It’s superior to Black Mission in almost every way.
Hardy Chicago (Ficus carica 'Hardy Chicago') - This is the most well-known hardy fig variety in the world. It can withstand an impressive 0F winter low. There are however a number of other hardy fig varieties. Check out this article for a full list.
Desert King (Ficus carica 'Desert King') - A great choice for growers in mild climates located in the UK, the PNW, or climates like it for its reliable & tasty crop of breba figs. The classic San Pedro type fig.
Keep in mind, I cannot stress enough how important it is to choose the right variety that fits well with your local climate and matches your taste preferences. That way, you can enjoy figs to their fullest.
Related: The Scoop on 30 Fig Varieties | Desert King, Brown Turkey, Black Mission, Chicago Hardy & More Figs
Climatic Requirements
Fig trees can be grown in a variety of climates, but they prefer warm, dry summers and mild winters.
Temperature Tolerances
The fig tree or Ficus Carica is known to be one of the hardiest members within its species and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. However, they do have their limits. The ideal soil temperature for fig trees is 78°F while ambient temperatures above 110°F or below 10°F can be detrimental for extended periods.
Fig trees are deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves during the winter months. During this time, they become dormant and can tolerate colder temperatures. While dormancy is not a requirement, nor are chill hours, I recommend forcing your fig tree into slumber through defoliation where frost is unreliable. For all other growers, frost and freezing temperatures help your fig tree go to sleep naturally.
Growing Fig Trees in Zones 5, 6, & 7
When growing fig trees in containers, move them into winter storage prior to the temperature dropping below 15°F to avoid root damage.
When experiencing temperatures below 10°F, choose a hardy fig variety.
When growing fig trees in zones 5 or 6, choosing a hardy fig variety will not be enough. In addition, a method of winter protection like wrapping or covering is required to ensure regular harvests.
Sunlight and Shade Needs
Fig trees require a minimum of 4-6 hours of direct sunlight to produce an abundant harvest. Don’t be afraid to give your tree more sunlight. Fig trees will thrive in sunny spots. The more sun the better. However, they can tolerate some shade and may appreciate it in desert climates, especially during the hottest parts of the day. If the tree is planted in an area that receives too much shade, that might be the reason why your fig tree isn’t producing fruit!
Related: Fig Tree, NO FRUIT - Grow Figs Not Leaves | The 4 Reasons Why Your Fig Tree IS NOT Fruiting
It is important to note that fig trees can become sunburned if they are suddenly exposed to full sun after being in a shaded area. To prevent this, it is recommended to gradually increase the amount of sunlight the tree receives throughout a couple of weeks.
Soil Preparation
Fig trees require well-drained soil to thrive. Poorly drained soil can cause root rot, which can lead to the death of the tree. Another pro-tip: fig trees in soggy soil will produce lower quality and poorer tasting fruits.
The texture of the soil is also important for the growth of fig trees. Sandy soil drains quickly but does not retain moisture or nutrients. Clay soil, on the other hand, retains moisture and nutrients but drains poorly. A loamy soil with a mixture of sand, silt, and clay can make growing fig trees a breeze.
Planting Techniques
To ensure good drainage, I recommend planting fig trees on raised beds, berms, or mounds. Planting above grade can also create a metabolic advantage that mimics the warming of the soil in the springtime a fig tree receives when growing in a container.
When planting, dig a hole wider and deeper than the root ball. Contrary to some other fruiting plants, you can plant the rootball deeper than the soil surface. Even below the top of a raised bed or mound. This can provide extra winter protection in colder zones and the establishment of a larger root system at a faster pace than otherwise. Remove air pockets, water thoroughly after planting, and add a layer of mulch to help retain moisture and change the soil quality over time. Do not skip this critical step!
Timing and Spacing
Logically, fig trees should be planted in the early spring, fall, or winter when the soil is moist and temperatures are moderate. When growing in colder zones, stick with a spring planting to avoid unnecessary winter damage.
When planting, it is important to choose a location with lots of warmth, more sun exposure, and well-draining soil. After planting hundreds of fig trees, I’ve learned that you can plant them closer than you think. Even 2 to 4 feet apart. If you can afford more planting space, go with 6-10 foot spacing.
Watering and Irrigation
When growing fig trees in containers, they require consistent watering to ensure healthy growth and fruit production. About a half gallon of water per day during hot days.
I use drip irrigation that’s hooked up to an automatic timer. No more missing critical watering!
Large established fig trees need anywhere from 1-5 gallons of water per day during warm days and during times of drought.
In general, fig trees need much less water during mild spring or fall days and very little water in the winter when they are dormant.
Mulching around the base of the tree can also help retain moisture in the soil and reduce water loss through evaporation.
Related: Fig Tree Watering | How Much Water, When to Water & Why Excess Water Leads to Watered-Down Figs!
Fertilization and Feeding
Soil pH and Nutrients
Before feeding a fig tree, it is important to check the pH level of the soil. The ideal pH range for growing fig trees is between 6.0 and 7.5. If the soil pH is too low or too high, it can affect the growth and development of the tree. If the soil pH is not within the ideal range, it can be adjusted by adding lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower the pH.
In addition to checking the pH level, fig trees require certain nutrients to grow and produce fruit. A soil test can help determine the nutrient levels in the soil. Based on the results, it’s best to correct any deficiencies immediately.
Fertilizer Types
Fig trees require a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 or 20-10-20 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). Organic fertilizers such as compost, well-rotted manure, and bone meal are good options for fig trees, but they may not be enough for container fig trees that are subjected to constant nutrient leaching.
Don’t forget about micronutrients like Silica, Magnesium, Sulfur, and Calcium! These are all critical nutrients that fig trees specifically enjoy in larger quantities. A soil supplement like Greensand or Rock Dust can cover a wider range of micronutrients that may also be missing from your soil.
Application Schedule
Fertilizer should be applied to fig trees in early spring as the new growth appears. I recommend 4-8 feedings or a one-time application of slow-release synthetic fertilizer.
It is important to note that over-fertilizing fig trees can lead to salt burning of the roots or poor fruit quality.
Therefore, I would not overdo it! Healthy soil, warmer soil, and consistent watering are the keys to faster growth.