Big Rain Event Recently - Time for a Wake up Call

After getting 1-2 inches of rain, I foolishly picked my figs. Instead.. the smarter thing to do would have to have picked them beforehand. Nonetheless, this is a time where huge insight is gained. Photographed above is 3 categories of figs.
Figs that are of fresh eating quality
Figs that are not of fresh eating quality, but suitable for jam
Figs that are fermenting and must be disposed of
When growing figs in a humid climate, you will soon learn that a large portion of your figs could simply go to waste. In fact only about a 3rd of the figs pictured are of fresh eating quality. If that's your biggest concern, cross your fingers for no rain.
However.. there are some tips and ways to lessen the damage after a rain event like the one I had and usually do 1-3 times almost every fig season.

The first tip is to choose the right genetics. The fig that you see above is called Verdino del Nord. It's by my estimation the best fig I have come across for growing in a humid climate.
You might look instead at all of the varieties in piles 2 & 3. After a big weather event like this, your decisions on culling should be clear. If they're not in pile #1, why keep them? When I could have an entire plate of Verdino del Nord almost completely unaffected by rain.
Some other standouts. Hative d'Argentueil


Moro de Caneva:

Even I258 came in strong and didn't split.
Most of which I attribute to being in ground for 3 seasons now. It's digging itself in. The roots are spreading and large changes in soil moisture like this event are not affecting the tree nearly as much. While in a pot, it would be in the fermentation pile. So there is hope for humid climate fig growers. Even with the less split resistant varieties, but when grown in ground.