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Some growers even HANG RAW MEAT from their trees to attract flies. Are they nuts or is there an actual reason to do this?
Such measures may seem extreme, but they underline the lengths that growers will go to ensure successful pollination, which speaks to how amazing a ripe pawpaw harvested right off the tree can be. However, a closer look at the Pawpaw tree's pollination process suggests that Mother Nature often has her own solutions.
Upon inspecting Pawpaw flowers, it's not uncommon to find various insects, including ants and common houseflies, busy at work. They naturally aid in pollination without any need for raw meat, hand pollination, or other extraordinary measures. This aligns with the expectation that nature when allowed to flourish, has a way of managing its complex systems.
To support these natural processes, creating an ecosystem beneficial for insects specific to pawpaw pollination is key. Companion plants like marigolds and Callery pears, which have similar-smelling flowers and can be grown in similar climates as the pawpaw, can be used to attract these beneficial insects. Other plants with unpleasant odors to humans like the crown imperial, corpse flower, and eastern skunk cabbage also serve a purpose, attracting pollinators or repelling predators.
Pawpaw trees are generally self-infertile, requiring cross-pollination from different Pawpaw tree varieties for successful fruit set. This process, while weather-dependent and complex, can be facilitated by attracting insects naturally or through manual methods.
Hand-Pollinating Pawpaw Trees
For more on pawpaw pollination, I would highly recommend reading Neal Peterson’s work found here:
Q: How long does it take for a Pawpaw tree to bear fruit?
Q: Can you eat Pawpaw seeds?
A: No, Pawpaw seeds are not edible. They are large, dark brown to black, and contain certain alkaloids that can be potentially toxic if ingested in large quantities. Always remove the seeds before consuming the fruit.
Q: Do you need a male and female Pawpaw tree or two Pawpaw trees to get fruit?
I'm Ross, the "Fig Boss." A YouTuber educating the world on the wonderful passion of growing fig trees. Apply my experiences to your own fig journey to grow the best tasting food possible.
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