I just want to thank everyone that has participated in the sale. This morning 78 packages were sent out. Altogether that's roughly 600 cuttings sold or ~700 ft of wood! ~$700 worth of postage & at least 10 hours of my time spent on just preparing orders and packaging. It has been an immense success in less than 7 days since the sale began. I still have about 5-7 orders that have not been packaged, so if you've not been notified of your tracking information, hold tight! I'll be making another trip to the post office soon.
Additionally, today I'm doing a fun giveaway. The first car junky who can accurately in the comments below guess the make and model of my vehicle (don't need the year), you'll win a free set of cuttings. Another (but probably less fun) giveaway will occur in a few weeks in support of something that I strongly believe in. Good chiropractic care.
Lastly, I want to announce that your last chance to grab some merch (if you're giving it as a gift for Christmas) is December 13th. That's two days left to order: https://fig-boss.creator-spring.com/ - The fig posters I've created are not only informative but also extremely beautiful. Check them out!
I'm Ross, the "Fig Boss." A YouTuber educating the world on the wonderful passion of growing fig trees. Apply my experiences to your own fig journey to grow the best tasting food possible.